Showbie, Socrative, & the Australian Privacy Act

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Teachers in Australia are getting ready to head out on summer vacation! With the growing number of schools using Showbie and Socrative in Australia, we wanted to ensure we were meeting the specific standards of the Australia Privacy Act. We know you are trusting us with sensitive information, and we don’t take that responsibility lightly.…

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What’s New in Showbie for Back-to-School?

| Showbie News | By

A couple of weeks ago, we took a look back at Showbie’s updates from the spring and summer. Hopefully you spotted some improvements that will benefit your classroom this year. Now for the fun part: I’d like to share the brand new features we’ve just shipped or are working on shipping very soon. We’re bringing…

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Recap: Spring and Summer 2019 Updates

| Showbie News | By

For those of you who are just returning from summer break, welcome back! With so many teachers ramping up for the new school year, we thought it’d be a good time to recap the improvements we’ve made to Showbie this past spring and summer. Perhaps there’s something you missed hearing about that will make your…

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Removing the Obstacles in Education so Innovation and Academics Can Flourish

| Guest Blogger, Instructional Content | By

This content is being reposted from George Couros’s original blog post here with his permission. Many administrators expect teachers to “innovate” and create better experiences for our students that go “beyond the test.” I think the expectation is great when the action of the administrator corresponds. For example, if you say “relationships matter” and we…

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Showbie and the SAMR Model

| EdTech, Guest Blogger | By

Since getting 1:1 iPads, the SAMR model has had the biggest impact on my teaching philosophy. SAMR stands for substitution, augmentation, modification, and redefinition and describes different ways to leverage technology in the classroom. Image source: Schoology The first step, Substitution, comes when an educator substitutes the technology for something else. For example, you may…

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