Real-time Assessment for Student Success

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Written by our team of Learning Specialists, this blog post is the fourth instalment of a four-part Back to School series on putting the DNA of Learning to work in Showbie.  Testing and assessment are sometimes dirty words in education; teachers complain about “teaching to the test” and the value of a one-time, terminal examination…

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Flexibility Meets Creativity with Direct Instruction

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Written by our team of Learning Specialists, this blog post is the first instalment of a four-part Back to School series on putting the DNA of Learning to work in Showbie.  Picture the scene: you’ve researched, prepped and delivered the perfect introduction to a new topic or an incredibly detailed and expertly explained new science…

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Sparking joy with Folders

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My colleagues used to laugh at me when I made my students collect the text books so that they all faced the same way and so that they stacked neatly, spines facing out on the bookshelf in my classroom. It’s true that being neat, tidy and organised sparks joy for me and nowhere more so…

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