We’re Excited to Announce Voice Notes 2.0!

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Showbie’s voice note recorder is a favourite feature for many teachers and students. Students use it to record reading, language, and music exercises, while teachers love to give feedback that’s quick, engaging, and personal. This summer, the Showbie voice note recorder is taking a huge leap forward, with a redesigned interface that makes it even…

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Come Visit Us at ISTE 2018!

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Planning on attending ISTE in Chicago later this month? We’d love it if you stopped by and say hello. Members of the Showbie team are excited to be Chicago bound soon, and not just to sample the city’s world-famous pizza, err, pie, but also to connect with the thousands of teachers who will be in attendance…

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Back to School with Showbie: A Look Inside Class Folders

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Back in April, we shared a preview of product improvements we’re working on for the upcoming school year. It gave a glimpse of upcoming features such as the recently released highlighter tool for iPad. Today, we’ll be taking a detailed look at another eagerly anticipated back-to-school feature: class folders! I recently got a sneak peek…

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How to Finish the Year Strong

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In classrooms in much of the world the countdown to summer holidays is on! To help you get through the final weeks of the school year, we’ve asked our Showbie Champions for their tips on how to finish the school year strong. “I like to print one or two journal pages for each kid to…

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