Meet us at SETT 2022!

| EdTech, Showbie News | By

We’re exhibiting at SETT 2022 on stand B17 this 26-28 April 2022 at Kistamässan (Kista Convention Center), Sweden. Scandinavian Education Technology Transformation (SETT) is Scandinavia’s largest conference and trade fair for modern and innovative learning. By attending the conference and visiting the exhibition, you get three days filled with skills development, inspiration, networking and much more! Come…

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International Women’s Day: A Postcard to My Younger Self

| Team News | By

International Women’s Day (March 8, 2022) is a global day celebrating women’s social, economic, cultural, and political achievements. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating women’s equality. This year’s International Women’s Day theme is #BreakingTheBias, and it’s about working towards a diverse, equitable, and inclusive world. We asked the ladies of Showbie to write…

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5 Ways to Encourage Reading with Showbie

| Hybrid Learning Strategies, Instructional Content, Tips and Tricks | By

Now more than ever, schools are exploring how technology can be used to enhance many aspects of school life, including promoting, encouraging and improving reading.  For many teachers around the world, Showbie has been key to making this successful.  In recent conversations with schools, we’ve been exploring the different ways Showbie continues to be invaluable…

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