Happy Scavenger Hunt Day!

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Today is National Scavenger Hunt Day and to celebrate we are re-posting an article on how to create a digital scavenger hunt in your classroom using Showbie. Happy reading (and hunting)! Paul Ridgway, Apple Distinguished Educator and Showbie Champion, recently tweeted about a project he created in his classroom where he used Showbie classroom codes…

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Responding Effectively to Student Work

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Good teachers know what valuable feedback looks like. It’s personalized, descriptive, and encouraging. It gives direction. It’s ongoing, composed of a series of communications with students rather than comprising singular results from unit exams or annual tests. Valuable feedback is given in a timely fashion, whether this means delaying responses to give students enough space…

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This Is How I Teach

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In celebration of Teacher Appreciation Week 2017, we wanted to share an article written by José Picardo, a Showbie-using Teacher and Assistant Principal at Surbiton High School in the UK. In his article, José shares how learning English as a young student in Spain helped shape his teaching methods, and he provides a summary of…

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