Welcome Our Newest Showbie Champions

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The Showbie team has been overwhelmed by the positive response from educators around the world wanting to be Champions. As a result, we’re proud to introduce the latest round of passionate educators joining our team! As a thank you to our #ShowbieChamps, we sent them unique t-shirts created by Showbie designer Janet King. Showbie Champions are some of our…

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3 Helpful Ways to Use Showbie’s Portfolio

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Showbie’s portfolio feature was created with the intention of making it easy and intuitive to add and collect work so it could be used as a tool for growth and assessment. To help you get started using portfolio in your classroom, here are three quick tips to get you and your students thinking about self reflection, including some great…

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Champions Choose the Best Apps for Teachers

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One of the best features of the 1:1 classroom is that you can use thousands of apps to create and share content. The only problem? With over 100,000 apps available, finding the best ones can be difficult. As the all-in-one app for one-to-one classrooms, Showbie makes it easy to sign up (students don’t require an…

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Quick Grading in Showbie with Emojis

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With the launch of Showbie’s gradebook this past August, some teachers may not have noticed that Showbie included the ability to use emojis. For many, emojis are just another trend that won’t last longer than Justin Bieber’s latest haircut. For teachers using Showbie Pro, however, emojis can be a quick, efficient and fun way to provide feedback.

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Say Hello to Our Showbie Champions!

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Ever since Showbie began, our team has been introduced to countless passionate and supportive educators who have not only remained loyal to our app, but have taken the time to spread the word to others about how they can get the most out of using Showbie in their classroom. To thank these talented people and help…

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