Introducing Showbie 1.5

| Showbie News | By

Happy Halloween! We’re guessing many of you have been preoccupied this week with pumpkin carving, costume making, and bulk-candy shopping. Maybe you didn’t even notice that the latest Showbie update hit the App Store last night! While our end-of-October update is not particularly spooky, there are still some great new features and improvements to get excited about. Let’s…

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PD Gamification: Building Blocks of Learning

| EdTech | By

This post was written by librarian and tech coach, Lina Branter Last year I was able to attend a couple of interesting workshops on gamification in the classroom. It has been stewing in the back of my mind for a few months, wondering in what way I can apply these concepts to the work I do at…

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iBallz for your iPads!

| EdTech | By

Win a set of iBallz by tweeting this review! I recently met Steve from iBallz – a company that makes innovative tablet protection products. He claimed that tablets protected with iBallz will bounce, not break, when dropped from any angle. Skeptical of his claim, I asked Steve for a demo, and in response he literally threw his iPad across the room! Lo and behold,…

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