Showbie 1.5.3 — Cloud Docs, VoiceOver, Loose Ends.

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Here at Showbie HQ we’re always working hard on that next big feature that we hope will finally complete your teaching life, or cause your students to spontaneously burst into song, or convince your principal/headmaster to give you that promotion, since you were the smart one who decided to start using Showbie in the first…

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What’s new with Showbie by Fraser Speirs

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Guest blogger Fraser Speirs is a teacher and a technologist. He designed and deployed the world’s first whole-school 1:1 iPad deployment. For more of Fraser’s ideas, check out his blog and his podcast. Workflow isn’t a word that trips off the tounge of every teacher, but every teacher knows what it is. It used to…

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Introducing Showbie 1.5

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Happy Halloween! We’re guessing many of you have been preoccupied this week with pumpkin carving, costume making, and bulk-candy shopping. Maybe you didn’t even notice that the latest Showbie update hit the App Store last night! While our end-of-October update is not particularly spooky, there are still some great new features and improvements to get excited about. Let’s…

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Introducing Showbie 1.3

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As many of you may already have noticed, Showbie 1.3 hit the app store last week. This update has been in the works for a long time, so we’re super excited to finally be able to share it with you! Besides a full visual overhaul, this version includes several new features, tweaks and improvements. Let’s…

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