How is the world going back to school during COVID-19?

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COVID and the Classroom: A Global Perspective On September 2nd 2020, Showbie sent a “How are you going back to school?” survey asking teachers for non-anecdotal data on their current learning mode in light of Covid-19. A total of 732 participants across 41 countries responded, with over 65% of participants located in the USA, UK,…

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The Showbie Team at Bett 2020

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The Showbie team is excited to be attending Bett 2020 in London, UK, January 22 to 25, 2020. We would love to see you on our seventh trip to Bett. Showbie combines all of the essential tools for assignments, feedback, and communication in one easy-to-use, time-saving, assessment platform. Showbie also offers Socrative for realtime interactive quizzing and polling!…

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