QR Code Scavenger Hunt… App Smashed with Showbie!

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This post was written with Showbie Thought Leader, Caryn Trautz.  QR code scavenger hunts occur about once a month in my class. My students are all very engaged when solving the problems they “find” and I love watching them search for the next problem to solve. When I first started doing QR code scavenger hunts I had my…

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Introducing Google sign-on, document preview and more!

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Sign in with Google Do you have a Google account? Log into Showbie and add it to your account for quick and easy sign in! From your Classes list select your picture (or name) and then Edit (next to My Info). From there you will be able to Enable Google Sign-In! Preview content Have you ever opened a file just…

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5 Must-Have iOS 7 Creative Apps for the iPad Classroom

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With iOS 7, many app developers have recently updated their apps to reflect the sleek flat look that now dominates popular apps on the new OS. As a result of all the app updates, we’ve been hard at work refreshing nearly 50 tutorial videos showing amazing creative apps and how Showbie makes assignment turn in…

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